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Monday, July 11, 2011

Tallgrass Oasis Ale Review

Hello beer fans! Today I'm reviewing a beer that will both challenge and satisfy, all in one sip. Tallgrass Brewing Company has a wide variety of high quality beers that will surely end up on this blog sooner or later, however I feel like I should start with what I see as their tour de force, the Oasis Ale.

Through out the entire experience of drinking Oasis Ale, it's motto of, "Aggressively Hopped.  Mightily Malted." precisely exhibits its two face personality is displayed right from the get-go. While the beer pours smoothly from the 16 oz. showing off its "Mightily" amount of malt, the pour also creates an alluring white, frothy head that shows off the "Aggressive" level of hops the drink contains. After a bit the beer settles down into a lush red oak color that smells like a traditional IPA with hops being in the forefront.

Now, here is where Oasis' two face personality comes onto center stage. The IPA qualities of the beer are tasted immediately giving off a tingly mouth-feel and a bitter bite. However, these are only little side notes to the real treasure of this beer, the finish. As you take time to taste the beer you think nothing of it at first, just a good quality IPA and then, BAM! You're hit with a smooth, roasted coffee finish that would usually be found in any variety of stout beer. The best part is, while your caught off guard by the malted flavors, they are almost perfectly intertwined with the hops giving you a complex bitter-smooth experience.

Oasis Ale defiantly gives the drinker a lot to think about in one pint, so much I say that it took me nearly two in order to write this review (not that I'm complaining). Point is if you like IPAs, you'll like this beer. If you consider yourself more of a stout drinker, you'll like this beer. Even if you don't like either IPAs or stouts, there's nothing to say you won't like them combined.

Overall Tallgrass Oasis Ale Review: A (95/100)

Beer Details:

ABV: 7.2%
IBUs: 93
Brewer: Tallgrass Brewing Company
Style: Stout/IPA
Price: $9.49/4-16 oz cans

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