If you are new to the world of micro-brewed beer and not sure if you want to join the movement, here is where you should start. It's reasonable price (about $8.99/six pack) and well rounded flavor is perfect for the beer drinker wanting to wean themselves of the routine of light beer. As soon as you pour it into your glass or see it poured from the tap, you know this is not going to be your average pint of beer.
While Summit EPA does provide a decent head, it disappears rather quickly. But with its light bronze coloring and mind numbing aroma, this beer won't be in the glass for long. The beer provides a strong bitter taste that tingles your taste buds and follows with a surprisingly smooth finish. You would think that a beer with such flavor would have stronger taste on the swallow. With a strong presence of hops that provides that satisfying bite, this is a beer that you're going to want to drink again.

Overall Summit Extra Pale Ale Review: B+ (87/100)
Beer Details:
ABV: 5.2%
IBUs: 45
Style: Pale Ale
Price: $8.99/six pack
(price may vary depending on store/region)
Please feel free to comment on your thoughts or experience drinking Summit Extra Pale Ale.
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